Revoflex xTreme

Revoflex xTreme
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  • Availability: Inventory
  • Rs 2,699.00

    Rs 2,299.00

Description :

Stay Fit with Easy Means Train with the Revoflex Extreme just 5 minutes a day and you will achieve tremendous results already! Because different muscles are trained at once equal with this unique sports equipment! The following muscle groups are activated with the Revoflex extremes: Abdominal muscles (upper, middle, bottom, and side)Back musclesArm musclesShoulder musclesThigh musclesButtocks muscles

How it works: The Revoflex Extreme takes advantage of bidirectional power for the good. Through the rubber bands increased resistance is set up at the front pressures and thus achieves a more intense workout. When sliding back the built-up tension is released slowly.

This returns you to easily return to your starting position. You can choose between 6 different training levels and 44 different exercises and thus optimally tailor your workout to your body.


Works every major upper body muscle group and your abdomen

Compact design for good portability

Resistance workout at home

Expand chest, back, arms, shoulders and abs in one motion

Offers up to 6 levels of training- 44 different exercises

Light weight

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